From A Tree Stand by Steve Nolen

From a tree stand I wonder, how some men dare ponder, the very existence of God.

From A Tree Stand by Steve Nolen

From a tree stand I wonder, how some men dare ponder, the very existence of God.

To doubt is so vain, the Lord’s work is plain, to see in the forests I’ve trod.

In a whip-poor-will’s call, or a hunting dog’s bawl, the Master’s great work is at hand.

The Lord feels so near, when on still mornings clear, I view nature’s vast beauty grand.

In my heart I would bet, though I ain’t seen it yet, there’ s more nature in Heaven than gold.

With broad chestnut trees, figs-fruit-birds and bees, with short winters that ain’t even cold.

Tall osage that grows, with grain perfect for bows, and a stave cures in only a day.

Why do foolish men wait, some until It’s too late, to believe-repent and obey?

By Steve Nolen